Interview by Carol Wright| Photos Courtesy of Exavier Castro

Exavier Castro is a rising photographer whose signature style has already helped him land shoots for W Magazine, Spotify, and more. Castro talked to NYOTA about what got him interested in photography, finding his style as a photographer, and his advice for aspiring photographers.

Is there a particular photographer or magazine editorial that got you interested in photography?  

There wasn’t really a photographer and magazine that caught my eye when I was younger, but watching ANTM, it just seemed so cool to capture and create these fun spaces. 

Photography can be an incredible passion to have as it doesn’t have to be expensive when you initially pick it up since you can shoot with phones or disposable cameras. Do you remember how it felt when you purchased your first professional camera?

Oh man, it’s a funny story. I was about 14 years old and I had saved up about $700. There was this website where you can bid on items and they had iMac’s, iPad’s, and the camera I had been wanting. The thing is some people can spend like $20 and win nice things so being naive I put $300 into that bidding game and I made a plan to stay home from school to win it. It came down to me and this other person but sadly I didn’t purchase enough the moment I stopped the other player won. I was sad because $300 is a lot for a kid but my parents saw how I really wanted one so they bought the camera for me. I appreciated it so much I couldn’t put it down or stop taking it everywhere with me. It made me feel like I could finally express my creative ideas that I always wanted to do.

Social media can be an amazing way for up-and-coming photographers to get opportunities. Has it been a helpful tool for you?

I haven’t really seen it do that much to help me out, mainly because I haven’t really taken social media that seriously. I plan on taking it more seriously because I would love to get more opportunities. 

Where do you find your inspiration for photoshoots?

Pinterest, haha I love Pinterest. I also get ideas from watching films and television. I mainly pull inspiration from this show called Power Rangers. I just love how the colors are and some of the shots. 

Your photos have a very distinct look. What did you do to find your style as a photographer?

It took time. I’ve been a professional photographer for about six years now, and I went through many different styles, but I’ve just always been inspired by the early 2000s campaigns. 

Over time you’ve shot on the rise actors such as Noah LaLonde and Terry Hu. Is it exciting to be part of their careers in this fun and creative way?

Of course, I love Noah and Terry! It’s such a pleasure that they trusted the creative vision I had and it shows in the images. Can’t wait to do another one soon with them both.

Who are some photographers that you admire?

The photographers who I admire would be Jeremy Soma, Hugo Comte, Axlejozeph, and Jack Bridgland. If I ever have the opportunity to speak to them and help them in any way that would be a dream. 

What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?

This is only fun and worth doing if you have no expectations and just want to create. If you expect you’ll always be let down. Just go with the flow, and everything will work out.