Interview by Carol Wright | Photos Courtesy of Brooke

We got to with singer/songwriter Brooke about her latest single “That’s Rich,” her advice for aspiring singers, and being influenced by 70s Rock.

Was it clear from a young age you would be a performer?

I have always sung and I have always wanted to be a singer, but I grew up listening to phrases like ‘that’s the hardest industry’ or ‘no one makes it there’ so I used to hide my dreams even though deep down I knew that I was capable of surprising people. I grew up listening to and recreating performances by Tina Turner and Dolly Parton when they sang at outdoor concerts in front of thousands of people. I was completely mesmerized at the thought of being there in the crowd or on the stage. The first time that I really believed in myself was when I got a four-chair turn in the Voice UK 2020.

Tell our readers about “That’s Rich.” What inspired the lyrics?

I had just come out of a relationship where I felt like I wasn’t benefitting at all and I lost sense of who I was. Because of this, I wanted to write a song that would make me feel good and laugh. Before I went in to write this song I was reading Debbie Harry’s (Blondie) biography and I really wanted to write a song that incorporated an 80’s sound with contemporary elements. The song really came to life and I feel like as soon as “That’s Rich” starts to play it hits immediately and you think to yourself ‘this sounds familiar but it also sounds so fresh and new!’ We have definitely found a really fresh new sound.

Do you have a particular songwriting process?

I always go into a writing session with a note document on my iPhone filled with concepts and dreams that I’ve had throughout the week. For this song, the words just poured out of me. I actually wrote the song with Karl Zine and Izzy Warner who wrote a song for the 21st Century Viking who starred in the blockbuster film with Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams.

Are you often influenced by 70s Rock?

Growing up my daddy (Mark) focussed on accidentally giving me the best musical education in the world. I grew up listening to CCR, The Eagles, Tina Tuner, The Cars, Dolly Parton, and Fleetwood Mac so I had such a diverse interest in music. I feel like this has definitely influenced my songwriting as there are some amazing songwriters and stories mixed in that beautiful pot.

You’re competing for Ireland’s 2022 Eurovision Song Contest spot. How does it feel to have the opportunity to represent Ireland and to have people rallying behind you?

Ever since I have even hinted at releasing my song “That’s Rich” the fans have got their magnifying glass out and worked out the Eurovision link themselves without me even mentioning anything. The fact that other countries have put so much interest in my song blows my mind as they each have their own national selection. This opportunity to be on TV alone, never mind a show such as the late late show with the opportunity to represent my country is amazing.

What advice do you have for aspiring musicians?

The knocks that you get in this industry can be scary and off-putting but the people that succeed are the people that keep trying until something gives.