
Interview by Carol Wright | Photos Courtesy of Gal Musette

We got to chat with singer Gal Musette about her single “Ghost,” working on the music video, and her upcoming album.

You started performing at a young age. Has music always felt like the best way for you to express yourself?

Since I was 10, yes!! But before I could play an instrument I danced to be a part of the music. I was never a great dancer but I liked to make up moves and choreograph routines to my favorite songs. “Caterpillar Girl” by The Cure and “Big Time Sensuality” by Björk were a couple of them, and I remember dancing to those songs every day for what felt like a year! My poor parents had to hear them so many times.

What is the story behind your song “Ghost?”

“Ghost” feels vague even to me, but I wrote during a time that I was in love with two people at the same time. It’s a feeling for me, and unlike many of my other songs, it doesn’t have an intentional lyrical meaning or intention.

The accompanying video which includes a dance by Ariadne Fernandez was beautifully done. How much creative input did you have in the process of making that video?

I think Alissa (director) Ari (dancer) and I all have different experiences with how we creatively figured out that video. I know Ari took the song to her studio and choreographed it on her own without anyone around, I gave her little instruction as I wanted her to feel connected to the song and interpret it freely. About a week before filming we went into the theatre for Alissa to see the dimensions of the room/feel out the space/etc- and Ari did a run-through of the dance in her workout clothes in front of Alissa and me and the theatre staff (which I don’t think she expected.) I could see her getting emotional during and a bit after her run through, and it made me feel so heartbroken for some reason and at that moment I knew she was perfect for this song- she made me feel things I didn’t understand and I feel that’s pretty much what “Ghost” is all about. 

Where did the name Backwards Lullaby come from for your upcoming EP? 

In the final song off the record, there is a lyric “sink into a backwards lullaby.” It fits perfectly as a summarized description of the record’s production style, the order of the songs, and the themes of the lyrics. Check out the record on October 1st to find out why. 🙂

Has this past year and a half given you more time to focus on the EP and creating new music?

For the first half absolutely! I am grateful to have had the luxury of good health combined with extra time during the beginning of the pandemic- which gave me the opportunity to spend most of my time recording and writing. As things gradually returned to the new version of “normal” we are currently experiencing, I have gotten back into old habits/business with work that have limited my creative time a bit- but I’m excited to have just booked the dates for recording Album #2 in October! 

What advice do you have for aspiring musicians?

Wait to release music until you have created something that you are proud of.